irc port

Connecting to freenode The freenode network can be accessed via the freenode webchat or using an IRC client such as irssi, WeeChat, ERC, HexChat, Smuxi, Quassel or mIRC. You can connect to freenode by pointing your IRC client at on ports

相關軟體 mIRC 下載

mIRC 是一種網路中繼交談的用戶端軟體。(Internet Relay Chat),已有超過百萬人及組織在此活動。 簡單且實用的使用者介面。 聯絡人清單。 ...

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  • Connecting to freenode The freenode network can be accessed via the freenode webchat or us...
    Connecting to freenode - freenode
  • IRC. Internet Relay Chat, commonly found on ports 6667,6668,6669, and 7000, but really, fo...
    Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 7 - Port 6667897000 - IRC ...
  • 2011年2月23日 - As some of you might be aware, there has been a push to standardize on a ...
    Default port for IRC via TLSSSL (hint: it''s 6697) - freenode
  • As some of you might be aware, there has been a push to standardize on a common port for I...
    Default port for IRC via TLSSSL (hint: it''s 6697) ...
  • Internet Relay Chat utilities. NetHirc-0.94_1 Perl-based IRC client that uses Net::IRC Lon...
    FreeBSD Ports: Irc - The FreeBSD Project
  • However, the de facto standard has always been to run IRC on 6667/TCP and nearby port numb...
    Internet Relay Chat - Wikipedia
  • 2009年10月7日 - IRC. Internet Relay Chat, commonly found on ports 6667,6668,6669, and 7000, ...
    IRC - SANS Internet Storm Center
  • 2008年4月12日 - (from RFC 1459) The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol has been designed ove...
    IRC - The Wireshark Wiki
  • Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an application layer protocol that facilitates communication ...
    IRC - Wikipedia
  • 2011年8月4日 - This is probably not too surprising given the affinity that bots have both fo...
    IRC on Non-Standard Ports - Palo Alto Networks Blog
  • To prevent simple port based detection, many malicious IRC servers run on odd ports. But t...
    IRC traffic on non standard ports - SANS Internet Storm Center
  • Proxies and Firewalls 0.0. Introduction This is a help file on the use of mIRC behind fire...
    mIRC: Proxies and Firewalls - mIRC: Internet Relay Chat client
  • 2014年1月22日 - draft-hartmann-default-port-for-irc-via-tls-ssl-10. Abstract This document d...
    Port for IRC via TLSSSL - IETF Tools
  • QuakeNet consists of many, many servers spread out all over the world and provided by our ...
    QuakeNet IRC Network - Servers
  • 由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。
    RFC 7194
  • Default Port for Internet Relay Chat (IRC) via TLS/SSL. Abstract This document describes t...
    RFC 7194 - Default Port for Internet Relay Chat (IRC) via TLSSSL
  • Introduction These reports summarize the ports seen being used by IRC servers for the purp...
    Shadowserver Foundation - Services - IRC-Port
  • 已知多個應用程式使用這個port 黃 0到1023號埠 [編輯] 以下列表僅列出常用埠,詳細的列表請參閱IANA網站 ... Ident ( 英語 : Ident protocol...
    TCPUDP埠列表 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • 前兩天想從學校上IRC才發現連不上,經過多次測試後確定不行,今天問了電算中心後,說是因為6667這個port很容易被用來入侵,所以前幾個月已經鎖起來了,後來經過elixus的朋友們...
    學校檔了IRC的port : O3noBLOG
  • 2005年9月29日 - 前兩天想從學校上IRC才發現連不上,經過多次測試後確定不行,今天問了電算中心後,說是因為6667這個port很容易被用來入侵,所以前幾個月已經&nbsp...
    學校檔了IRC的port : O3noBLOG - Othree